
On Saturday, January 18th, XRadio proudly presents the Second Life tribute group, Project Babymetal. This is one of the hottest and most followed tribute bands on the entire Second Life virtual world grid. Project BABYMETAL is a fan project that presents a fully choreographed sync-to-music tribute show inspired by the famous Japanese kawaii-metal band BABYMETAL. The group’s goal is to bring at least some of the unbelievable energy and positivity of BABYMETAL into Second Life.

Thanks to The Biology Club universe, XRadio is able to bring this wonderful and amazing performance to our Second Life listeners. Biology Club is an XRadio Official Affiliate that also is home to the XRadio HQ and our official station merch shop, The Anti-Establishment. The Biology Club will generously be hosting the PBM performance, which will also be broadcast around the world and across the grid on XRadio.

So, join us for a first of many, amazing events in 2025 on Saturday, January 18th at 2:00 pm PST, as XRadio presents: Project Babymetal at The Biology Club Universe!

  • Biology Club